
England London Baptist Churches

England - Baptist Churches in London -uklistingz

Baptist Churches in London, England 14 listing(s)

Following are the search results of Category Baptist Churches in Area London, England in UK .
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Cippenham Baptist Church

209-211 City Road London EC1V 1JN , London , England , G74 5PE

Cosham Baptist Church

41 - 45 Shorts Gardens Covent Garden London WC2 H9A , London , England , HA9 8HS

Dorchester Baptist Church

23 Bloomsbury Square London London WC1A 2PJ , London , England , L16 3NP

Downton Baptist Church

32 Green Street London London W1K 7AT , London , England , L306UR

Farnham Baptist Church

Linhope House 36A Linhope Street London London NW1 6HU , London , England , M38 0ET

Grove Lane Baptist Church

Nestles Avenue Hayes London UB3 4UZ , London , England , NP44 1QX

Hockliffe Street Baptist Church

Old Broad Street London London EC2M 1PR , London , England , PA31 8RR

Holland Road Baptist Church

Calleo House 49 Theobald Street London Hertfordshire WD6 4RT , London , England , PE38 9LT

Hyde Street Chapel

11 Keith Gr London London W12 9EY , London , England , B16 8NH

International Baptist Church

39-51 Highgate Road London NW5 1RT , London , England , PL27 6NW